If the inquiry includes a request for the veteran’s address and we are able to identify the veteran in question, send all information releasable under FOIA and advise of referral to service department for release of address.  Send the inquiry and record to the FOIA office of the appropriate service department.  Place the referral address as a cc ONLY on the copy that is to be sent to the service department.  Indicate on loan and transfer form that referral is for release of last known address.

If the record was destroyed in the fire, give FOIA information shown on QM’s and advise requester of the fire.

If unable to identify and there are five or fewer veterans with that name, give FOIA for all of the individuals.  (This is required by a court settlement dated November 16, 1990, which was the result of a lawsuit filed by War Babes, a British non-profit organization, against the Department of Defense, and the National Archives and Records Administration).

Work all War Babes cases using pattern paragraphs and/or letters from catalog under wb.  All cases are signed by the Assistant Branch Chief or by Mr. Pellegrini.  Prepare courtesy copies of the letter for the following and, using the format shown below, place this information on each copy of the response below the signature:

cc:     NRP
          NRP (Pellegrini)
          NRPM(team ID) (official file)

          NRPMS:C.PELLEGRINI:(clerk’s initials in small letters:date response is prepared)