National Personnel Records Center
St. Louis, Missouri 63121-5100
NPRC 1865.123
May 19, 1997

 SUBJECT: Title 10 letter for State Employee Retirement Annuitants

1. Purpose. This memorandum establishes guidelines for processing requests for Title 10 letters, Notification of Eligibility for Retired Pay at Age 60, from retired state employees who are seeking an increase in their state retirement annuity based on their reserve military service.

2. Applicability. The provisions of this memorandum are applicable to personnel of the Correspondence Sections of the military reference branches, and the Mail and Data Input Section (NRPMO-M), Military Operations Branch.

3. Background. The state of Pennsylvania has recently enacted a law which provides retired state employees a special supplemental post-retirement adjustment for retirees of the National Guard and Reserves, under Title 10, Chapter 67, Sections 1331-1337. (Active Duty retirement is not qualifying for the adjustment under this law.) Other states have laws or pending legislation similar to this which may result in additional requests for evidence of military service.

4. Instructions. The procedures for processing Title 10 letter requests are as follows:

    a.General. State of Pennsylvania officials have published very confusing information in bulletins, etc. regarding who is really covered by this new law. Many of the requests received to date are from veterans who are not National Guard or Reserve retirees.

    b. Receipt and control procedures. Upon receipt of the request for a Title 10 letter and/or DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, the incoming mail clerk will probe the registry system to see if NPRC has a record on the individual. If a record is located, the case will be coded C3 (unless additional documents/information are requested which require processing at a higher level) and forwarded to the appropriate branch. If no record is on file at NPRC, process routinely in accordance with the latest version of NPRC 1865.6, Referral and routing matters, and NPRC1865.20, Inquiries lacking sufficient identifying and/or locator data. When no record is found and National Guard service is indicated in the correspondence, advise requester to inquire with the State Adjutant General of the state in which member served for the Title 10 letter.

    c. Reply to inquiry - service member not a National Guard or Reserve retiree. Reply to requester using NA Form 13047, Reply to Request for information, indicating that "The document or information requested is not in file." Add an additional statement to the bottom of the form which reads "A Title 10 letter is issued to National Guard and Reserve retirees only." This procedure applies to fire-related cases as well as those that are not fire-related.

    d. Reply to inquiry - Title 10 letter on file. Technicians will furnish a photocopy of the Title 10 letter (see fig. 1), along with any other document requested. Select an appropriate NARA form to transmit the copies, such as NA Form 13018, Reply to NPRC Inquiry; NA Form 13044, Reply Concerning Military Records; NA Form 13045, Informal Information Reply; or NA Form 13046, Response to Request for Separation Documents/Information.

    e. Reply to inquiry - Title 10 letter not on file for National Guard or Reserve retiree. Refer case to the following service department office in accordance with the latest revision of NPRC 1865.6, Referral and Routing Matters:

5. Forms. This memorandum provides for the use of the following forms:

NA Form 13018, Reply to Inquiry (NCP)
NA Form 13044, Reply Concerning Military Records
NA Form 13045, Informal Information Reply
NA Form 13046, Response to Request for Separation Documents/Information
NA Form 13047, Reply to Request for Information
DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty
Title 10 letter, Notification of Eligibility for Retired Pay at Age 60
