National Personnel Records Center
St. Louis, Missouri 63132-5100
NPRC 1865.83B
Includes CHGE 1
February 23, 1989

SUBJECT: Requests for verification of sea service

1. Purpose. This memorandum issues and transmits instructions for processing requests for verification of sea service.

2. Cancellation. NPRC 1865.83A is canceled.

3. Reason for revision. This memorandum is revised to implement new procedures for responding to requests for verification of sea service. NA Form 3073, Transcript of sea service, shall no longer be prepared in response to these requests. Instead, copies of the pertinent documents from the military personnel record will be provided to the requester.

4. Applicability. The provisions of this memorandum are applicable to employees of Navy Reference Branch, Correspondence Section and the Reference Service Support Branch.

5. Instructions. The instructions for processing these requests are contained in the Attachment.

6. Background. Verification of sea service is needed by veterans who apply for Merchant Marine licenses or certificates for employment on vessels as officers, pilots, and seamen. The information furnished will substantiate qualifying experience for a license, certification, raise in grade, extension of route, or renewal of Merchant Marine licenses. Generally, the applications with appropriate documentation are presented by the veteran to the various Marine Inspection Offices throughout the country.

7. Forms. This memorandum provides for the use of the following forms:

NA Form 13008, Loan or Transfer of Records
NA Form 13018, Reply to Inquiry (NCP)
NA Form 13044, Reply Concerning Military Records
NA Form 13053, NPRC Acknowledgment/Referral


National Personnel Records Center
St. Louis, Missouri 63132-5100
NPRC 1865.83B CHGE 1
September 28, 1990

SUBJECT: Requests for verification of sea service

1. Purpose. This memorandum transmits page changes to NPRC 1865.83B.

2. Explanation of change. This memorandum is being changed to reflect the use of the appropriate form for referring a request with the record to a military service department.

3. Instructions.

     a. Remove transmittal page of NPRC 1865.83B (basic) and insert revised pages.

     b. Remove pp. 2 and insert revised pages.



1. Form of reply. In order to respond to requests for verification of sea service, the technician shall review the military record for any evidence of sea service.

     a. Sea service performed. If evidence of sea service is found in the record, then furnish copies of the pertinent documents from the military personnel record using NA Form 13044, Reply Concerning Military Records, as the transmittal. Prepare form in duplicate, checking first block and attaching appropriate copies. File duplicate copy in record. If asked by the veteran to send the reply to the prospective employer, then furnish copies of documents directly to the employer, and notify the veteran using NA Form 13044 (see fig. 1). Prepare form in triplicate forwarding second copy to the veteran and retaining the third copy for the file.

     b. Creditable sea service. The technician shall NOT make determinations regarding the credibility of service or duties performed onboard a vessel, except as noted in subpar. 1c.  Evaluations of creditable time and service will be made by personnel in the Marine Inspection Offices upon review of the veteran's application and military documentation.

     c. Sea service not performed/negative reply. If the record contains no evidence of sea service, then the technician shall return the inquiry using NA Form 13018, Reply to Inquiry (NCP), and state, "The record contains no evidence of sea service performed." Prepare form in duplicate and file copy in record.

NOTE: Credit for sea service is NOT allowed for Marines who were aboard a vessel ONLY as a passenger. Prepare a negative reply in these cases (see subpar. 3e and subpar.3f).

2. Necessary items of information. In order to provide the appropriate documentation to verify sea service, specific items of information must be included on the copies sent to the requester. These items of information are:

     a. Names of vessels. Names of all vessels that an individual served on, to include the hull numbers if shown on the documents.

     b. Dates from and to. Inclusive dates of service on each vessel. For Naval personnel whose records show only the names of vessels on which they served and not the specific dates of service state on the bottom of NA Form 13044, "Dates of service on vessels not shown in record."

     c. Rating held. All ratings held during each vessel assignment.  NOTE: Does not apply to Marine Corps.

3. Furnishing copies of documents. Various documents shall be sent in response to requests for verification of sea service. The documents will differ based on the period of service, branch of service, and whether the individual served as an enlistee, officer, or both. When furnishing copies of documents from the military personnel record, the important factor to consider is NOT whether a specific form/document is found in the record, but whether the available document(s) provide(s) the necessary items of information (see par. 2). The following provides a list of documents that would most likely provide verification of sea service, however, the technician must use judgment in determining the most appropriate document(s) to be furnished in response to these requests.

     a. Navy enlisted.

History of Assignments (see fig. 2); or

Transfers and Receipts (see fig. 3); or

Administrative Remarks (see fig. 4)

Based on the availability of the forms in the record, copies of these documents shall be furnished in
the order listed above.

     b. Navy officer.

Officer's Fitness Reports (see fig. 5)

     c. Coast Guard enlisted.

Service Record Card (see fig. 6); or

Enlisted Personnel Data Card ; AND

Abstract of Service (see fig. 7)

Based on the availability of the forms in the record, copies of these documents shall be furnished in the
order listed above.

     d. Coast Guard officer.

If the inquiry relates to a record of a Coast Guard officer, DO NOT forward copies of documents. The
technician shall refer the request with the record to Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard using NA Form
13008, Loan or Transfer of Records. Furnish the veteran NA Form 13053, NPRC Acknowledgment/Referral, checking the appropriate address.

     e. Marine Corps enlisted.

Record of Service (see fig. 8); AND

Sea and Air Travel - Embarkation Slips (see fig. 9)

Furnish copies of these documents ONLY if an assigned organization on the Record of Service
indicates time served on a vessel. If there is no time served on a vessel, see subpar. 1c.

     f. Marine Corps officers.

History of Assignments (see fig. 10)
Furnish copies of these documents ONLY if the History of Assignments indicates time served on a
vessel. If there is no time served on a vessel, see subpar. 1c.

4. Leave/Confinement records. In addition to the pertinent documents as shown in par. 3, the technician shall also furnish a copy of the leave record or other appropriate documents when the individual's military record indicates unauthorized leave for periods of 30 days or more and/or periods of confinement ashore for 30 days or more.

5. Combination of enlisted and officer sea service.  If the individual performed sea service both as an enlistee and an officer, then furnish copies of ALL documents that indicate sea service as prescribed by par. 3.