National Personnel Records Center
St. Louis, Missouri 63132-5100
NPRC 1865.85C
January 16, 1998

SUBJECT: Requests for Identification Cards, Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Cards

1. Purpose. This memorandum provides instructions for processing requests for identification and privilege cards.

2. Cancellation. NPRC Memorandum 1865.85B is canceled.

3. Reason for cancellation. This memorandum has been updated to reflect the changes in the designated sites that issue the cards know as Real-time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS); changes to the services' addresses; and provide guidance on the processing of requests for cards in compliance with the Former Spouse Protection Act law.

4. Applicability. The provisions of this memorandum are applicable to personnel of the correspondence sections of the military reference branches, the Records Reconstruction Branch, and the Mail and Data Input Section (NRPMO-M), Military Operations Branch.

5. Instructions. The instructions for processing these requests and applications are contained in the attachment to the memorandum.

6. Forms. This memorandum provides for the use of the following forms:

NA Form 13008, Loan or Transfer of Records
NA Form 13018, Reply to NPRC Inquiry
NA Form 13045, Informal Information Reply
NA Form 13046, Response to Request for Separation Document
NA Form 13051, Transmittal



1. General. The Department of Defense has designed a system for the control and issuance of identification cards that retirees and their dependents use to obtain certain privileges to which they are entitled. The cards are issued only at designated installations known as Real-time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS) sites (see Fig. 1).

2. Requests for documents (e.g., retirement orders, DD Form 214, etc.) for the purpose of obtaining an identification card.

     a. Furnish the requested document(s), if available. Use an appropriate NA form such as NA Form 13046, Response to Request for Separation Documents, or NA Form 13045, Informal Information Reply, to transmit the document(s). Inform the requester to contact the nearest RAPIDS site for issuance of the card(s). Forward a copy of the appropriate page(s) of the RAPIDS site locations to the requester.

     b. If requested document is not in the record, use NA Form 13008, Loan or Transfer of Records, to forward the request and record to the proper location, or NA Form 13051, Transmittal, to forward the request if the record has not yet been retired to NPRC.

9700 Page Avenue
1 Reserve Way
St. Louis, MO 63132-5200

Air Force
Retired active duty:

HQ AFPC/DPPR Retirements & Separation Div  
550 C Street West, Suite 11
Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4713


6760 E. Irvington Place
Denver, CO 80280-4450

Navy.  Refer via Navy Liaison Officer to:è(Benefits)
Navy Personnel Command
Attn:  312
5720 Integrity Drive
Millington, TN  38055-3120
Tel:  1-800-443-9297
Marine Corps.  Refer via Marine Corps Liaison Officer to:
Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps
2008 Elliot Road
Quantico, VA 22134-5030
Coast Guard.
Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard (CGPC-adm)
2100 2nd Street, SW
Washington, DC 20593-0001

3. Requests for identification card only. If the request is for only the identification card and not for a specific document, the requester is sent a copy of the appropriate page(s) of the RAPIDS locations
(Fig. 1) and advised, on NA Form 13018, to apply to the nearest installation. Such inquiries should be turned around in the Mail and Data Input Section, but when the record needs to be pulled for some other reason(s), notification is done from the correspondence section.

4. Former Spouse Protection Act. The criteria for the extension of benefits and privileges to a former spouse are set by Public Laws 97-252; 98-525; 99-661; 100-271; and 100-468. This law requires a statement of service as a criteria requirement to be eligible for an identification card. Marriage concurrent (overlap) and the number of creditable years service determines the number of entitlements for the former spouse. Since initial verification of status must be performed by the services, requests and records and/or documents as appropriate, will be forwarded to the appropriate service address listed in par 2b, above.

5. Visitors. A veteran of any branch of service or his/her dependents, to include former spouse and next of kin, who appears in person requesting an identification card are sent to AR-PERSCOM for processing:

                Room 118, Prevedel Building
                Telephone: 592-0123 or 1-800-318-5298