Appendix 1-A:  Authorized abbreviations used in organizational records


The attached is a list of authorized abbreviations for your use in reading and understanding morning report remarks.  If you come in contact with any abbreviations you do not understand and are not contained in this listing, see your supervisor.

A2 Air Force Intelligence
AAA  Antiaircraft artillery
AACS  Army Airways Communication System
AASA  Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army
ABCD  Awaiting Bad Conduct Discharge
ABN  Airborne
ABS  Absent
AC  Army Corps
ACDU  Active duty
ACLV  Accrued leave
ACDUTRA  Active Duty for Training
AD  Active Duty
Adj Adjutant
Adj O  Adjutant's Office
AFBU  Air Force Base Unit
AFC  Army Field Clerk, Army Finance Center
AFF  Army Field Forces
AFFE  Army Forces Far East
AFG  Army Forces Germany
AFHQ  Air Force Headquarters
AFM  Air Force Manual
AFNC Air Force Nurse Corps
AFQT  Armed Forces Qualification Test
AFR  Air Force Regulation
AFRES  Air Force Reserves
AG  Adjutant General
AGCT  Army General Classification Test
AGD Adjutant General's Department
AGFRTS Air and Ground Force Resources and Technical Staff
AGO Adjutant General's Office
AGR Army Guard Reserve
AGRC Adjutant General's Reserve Corps
AHQ Army Headquarters
Almt Allotment
Alot Allotted
Alws Allowances
AMEDS Army Medical Service
ANC Army Nurse Corps
ANG Air National Guard
ANGUS Air National Guard of the United States
APOD Aerial Port of Debarkation
APOE Aerial Port of Embarkation
APP Appendix, apprehend
AR Army Regulations
ARB  Army Retiring Board
ARNGUS Army National Guard of the United States
Arty Artillery
A/S  Army Students
ASofA Assistant Secretary of the Army
ASCOM Army Service Command
ASFTC Army Service Field Training Center
ASG Assign
Asgmt Assignment
ASRCB Air Service Replacement Concentration Barracks
A/S & T Arm or Service & Theater
ASU Area Service Unit
ATCH Attach
ATL Awaiting trial
AUS Army of the United States
AUTHGR Authority granted
Aval Available, Availability
AVG American Volunteer Group (China)
AW  Article of War
Awd Awarded
AWOL Absent without leave
BASD Basic Active Service Date
BASEC Base Section
BCD  Bad Conduct Discharge
BD Board
Bks Barracks
BOI Basis of issue
BN  Battalion
BPED Basic Pay Entry Date
Brig  Brigade
BSM  Bronze Star Medal
BTC  Basic Training Center
BTRY Battery
BUL  Bulletin
CAC Coast Artillery Corps
CAPT  Captain
Cas  Casual
CAV  Cavalry
CCS  Combined Chiefs of Staff
CD  Closed for Discharge
CDD  Certificate of disability for discharge
CE  Corps of Engineers, Construction Electrician's Corps
CEN Center
CG  Commanding General
Char  Character
Char exc  Character excellent
CIA  Central Intelligence Agency
CIBad  Combat Infantryman Badge
CIC  Combat Information Center, Counter Intelligence Corps
CIG Central Intelligence Group
CINCPOA  Commander in Chief, Pacific Ocean Area
CIV  Civil, Civilian
CL  Civilian Life
CLUS  Continental Limits United States
CM  Court Martial, Mechanic
CMF  Court Martial Forfeiture
CMLC  Chemical Corps
CMP  Corps of Military Police
CO  Commanding Officer, company
Co  Comdr Company Commander
COG  Convenience of the government
COL  Colonel
Col Sgt  Color Sergeant
Comdr  Commander
Comdt  Commandant
Comm  Commission
COMP  Component, Composite, Composition
CONAC  Continental Air Command
CONAR  Continental Army
CONFI  Confine
CONFM  Confinement
CONSTAB  Constabulary
CONUS  Continental United States
CONV  Convalescent, convicted, conviction
Corp  Corporal
COS  Chiefs of Staff
COSSAC  Chief of Staff Supreme Allied Command
Cp  Camp
CPL  Corporal
CQ  Charge of quarters
C of S  Chief of Staff
CVN  Convene
CWO  Commissioned Warrant Officer, Chief Warrant Officer
CZ  Canal Zone
DA  Department of the Army
DAF  Department of the Air Force
DB  Disciplinary barracks
DBT  Days Bad Time
DD  Dishonorable Discharge, Died of Disease
DDALV  Days delay en-route authorized chargeable as leave
DDALVP  Days delay en-route authorized chargeable as leave provided  it does not interfere with reporting on date specified and provided individual has sufficient accrued leave.
DEBK  Debark
DEML  Detached enlisted men's list
DEMOB  Demobilize
Demob Sta Demobilization Station
DEP  Depot
DEPT  Depart, Department
DEROS  Date eligible for return from overseas
DES  Desert, Deserter
DESTN  Destination
DET  Detach
DETALL  Detached from duty indicated and from all other duty assigned
DFC  Distinguished Flying Cross
DFR  Dropped from roll
DIC  Deceased Insurance Compensation
DILD  Died in line of duty
DISAP  Disapprove
DISCH  Discharge
DISEMB  Disembark
DISP  Dispensary
DIST  District
DIV  Division
DNB  Died, Non Battle
DNILD  Died not in line of duty
DOB  Date of Birth
DOCU  Document
DOD  Died of disease
DOE  Date of enlistment
DOI  Died of Injury
DOL  Detached Officers List
DOP  Detachment of patients
DOR  Date of rank
DOS  Date of separation
DOW  Died of wounds
DPG Date of permanent grade
DP  By direction of the President
DR  Date of rank
D/R Date of rank
DS  Detached Service
DSABL  Disable, disability
DSC  Distinguished Service Cross
DSM  Distinguished Service Medal
DSPLN  Discipline
DTL  Detailed
DTN  Detain
DU  Diagnosis undetermined
DW  Died of Wounds
DY  Duty
EAD  Extended active duty
ECH  Echelon
ED  Extra Duty
EDCMR  Effective date of change(s) on morning reports
EDCSA  Effective date of change of strength accountability
EDS  Estimated date of separation
EDT  Effective date of training
EDUC  Education
EER  Enlisted Evaluation Report
EET  Education Equivalency Test
ELIG  Eligible
EM  Enlisted man or men, Education Manual, Electrician's Mate
EMB  Embark
EMERG  Emergency
EMT  Emergency medical tag
ENL Enlist
Enr  Enrolled
EOS  Eligible for overseas service
EPD  Earliest practicable date
EPTS  Existed prior to service
E/R  En route
ERC  Enlisted Reserve Corps
ERR Error
ES  Eligible for separation
ESC  Escort
ETA  Estimated time of arrival
ETC  Estimated time of completion
ETD  Estimated time of departure
ETOUSA  European Theater of Operations, U.S. Army
ETR  Estimated time of return
ETS  Expiration term of service
EVAC  Evacuate
EW  Enlisted Woman or Women
Exp  Expeditionary
EXPED  Expedition
EXPR  Expire
EXT  Extend, extension
Ext enlmt  Extended enlistment, Extension of enlistment
FA  Field Artillery
FCUSA  Finance Center, U.S. Army
F/E  Fraudulent enlistment
FE  Fighter Escort
FIN  Finance
FN  Flight Nurse
NA  Following named Airmen
FNO  Following named Officers
FO  Field Orders
FOD  Finding of Death
FRAUD  Fraudulent
FSSD  Foreign Service Selective Day
FTR  Fighter
Fur  Furlough
FURAS  For further assignment
Fur to Res  Furlough to Reserve
G2  Army Intelligence Staff
GAO  General Accounting Office
GAR  Garrison
GCM  General Court Martial
GCMO  General Court Martial Order
GCT  General Classification Test
GD  General Discharge
GMS  General Military Service
Gnr  Gunner(y)
GO  General Orders
GRD  Guard
GRDHSE  Guardhouse
GU  Gonorrhea Urethritis
HHG  Household goods
Hon  Honorable
Hon disch  Honorably Discharged
HOR  Home of record
HOSP  Hospital
HQ  Headquarters
Hq Co  Headquarters Company
Hq Tr  Headquarters Troop
IEC  Individual Effectiveness Course
IHCA  In hands of Civil Authorities
IG  Inspector General
INDEF  Indefinite
INDUC Induction
INF Infantry
INFO Information
INJ  Injure
JA  Japan, Judge Advocate
JAG  Judge Advocate General
JCS  Joint Chiefs of Staff
Jd enlmt  Joined by enlistment
JTR  Joint Travel Regulations
KIA  Killed in action
KILD  Killed in line of duty
LD  Line of Duty
LDR  Leader
L of H  Legion of Honor
LM  Legion of Merit
LOG  Logistic
LP  Last Paid, Loss of Pay
LSL  Lump Sum Leave Payment
Lt  Lieutenant
LTCOL  Lieutenant Colonel
LTGEN  Lieutenant General
LTRO  Letter order
LV  Leave, Leave of Absence
LWOP  Leave without pay
MAAFHQ  Mediterranean Allied Air Forces Headquarters
MAE  Medical Air Evacuation
MAJ  Major
MAJGEN  Major General
MC  Medical Corps
MCM  Manual of Courts-martial
MD  Medical Department
MDW  Military District Washington
MECZ  Mechanized
MG  Machine gun
MH  Medal of Honor
MIA  Missing in action
MID  Military Intelligence Division
MIL  Military
MIS  Missing
MISCON Misconduct
MOB Mobilize
MOP  Mustering-out-pay
MOS  Military Occupational Specialty
MP  Military Police
MPERR  Master Personnel Record
MPR  Military Pay Record
MRU  Machine Records Unit
MSC  Medical Service Corps
MSGT  Master Sergeant
MSN  Mission
MSTS  Military Sea Transportation Service
MTD  Mounted
NA  National Army
NAIIU  Not authorized if issued under
NBC  Non Battle Casualty
NCO  Non-commissioned Officer
NEPT  Not Excused Physical Training
NET Not earlier than
NG  National Guard
NGB  National Guard Bureau
NLD  Not in line of duty
NOA  Not otherwise authorized
NOPE  New Orleans Port of Embarkation
NPOPR  Not paid on prior rolls
NPS  No prior service
NTI  No travel involved
NTL  No time lost
NYPE  New York Port of Embarkation
OBAM  Ordnance Base Auto Maintenance
OCLUS  Outside Continental limits of United States
OCMH  Office of the Chief of Military History, U.S. Army, Washington
OCS  Officer Candidate School
OLC  Oak Leaf Cluster
ORC  Officers' Reserve Corps
Ord  Orders
Org  Organization
OS  Overseas Service
O/S SV  Overseas Service
OSA  Office of the Secretary of the Army
OSI  Office of Special Investigation
OTC  Officers' Training Corps
OTS  Officers' Training School
OTU  Operational Training Unit
OUTUS  Outside the United States
PAC  Pursuant to authority contained in
PCA  Permanent change of assignment
PCS  Permanent change of Station
PEB  Physical Evaluation Board
PERS  Personnel
PFC  Private First Class
PFD  Present for duty
PH  Purple Heart
P Hosp  Post Hospital
PHYS  Physical
PHYSEXAM  Physical examination
PI  Philippine Islands
PION  Pioneer
PLAT  Platoon
PLT  Pilot
PMG  Provost Marshal General Center
PNFD  Present not for duty
PNT  Patient
POD  Port of debarkation
POE  Port of embarkation
POM  Preparation for overseas movement
POV  Private Owned Vehicle
POW  Prisoner of War
Pr enlmt  Prior enlistment
PRIS  Prison, Prisoner
PS  Philippine Scouts
Pvt  Private
PX  Army Exchange
QM  Quartermaster
QMC  Quartermaster Corps
Qual  Qualified
RA  Regular Army
RAR  Regular Army Reserve
RAT  Rations
RCG  Upon Request of the CG (Commanding General)
RCP  Rotation Combat Personnel
RCT  Regimental Combat Team, Recruit
REC  Recruit Education Center
REENL  Reenlist
REGT  Regiment
REHAB  Rehabilitate
REINF  Reinforce
REJN  Rejoin
REL  Relieve, relief
REORG  Reorganize
REPL  Replace
REPT  Report
REQ  Request
Resc  Rescind, rescission
RET  Retire, Retained, Return
Retd  Retired
RETRO  Retroactive
RET fro/S  Return from Overseas
REVO  Revoke
RORG  Reorganize
ROTC  Reserve Officer Training Corps
R & P  Records & Processing
RS  Reception Station
RSG  Reassign
RTC  Replacement Training Center
RTDA  Returned absentee
RTN Return, returnee
Sl Adjutant
S2 Intelligence Officer
S3 Operations and Training Officer
S4 Supply Officer
SA Secretary of the Army
SAR Search and Rescue
SAT Signal Aviation Training
SATC  Students Army Training Camp, Students Army Training Corps
SAU Shrivenham Army University (England)
SC Shuster Collection, Modern Military Records, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
S of C Statement of Charges
SCH School
SD Special duty, steward
SEAC  Southeast Asia Command
SEC Section
Sent Sentence
Sep Separate
SEPROS Separation processing
SER Serial
SF Standard Form
SFC Sergeant First Class
SFW  Shell fragment wound
SGS Secretary, General Staff
SGT Sergeant
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force
SHAPE  Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
SIC  Security Intelligence Corps
SIG Signal
 SGC Signal Corps
SIW  Self inflicted wounds
Sk Sick
SM Soldier's Medal
SMOP So much of paragraph
SO Special Orders
SOP Standing operating procedure
Sp CM Special Court Martial
Sp CMO Special Court Martial Order
SPS Special Services
SQ Squadron
SQD Squad
SR Special Regulations
SSGT Staff Sergeant
SSM Silver Star Medal
SSN Specification serial number
SSVC Selective Service
STA Station
STG Staging
STU  Student
SU  Service Unit
SumCM Summary Court Martial
SURGEN Surgeon General
SURVL Survival
SVC Service
SVS Service School
T/A Table of Allowance
TAC Tactical Air Command
TAF Tactical Air Force
TAG The Adjutant General
TB Technical Bulletin
TBGAA Travel by Government automobile authorized
TBMAA Travel by military aircraft authorized
TC Training circular, Transportation Corps, Trial Counsel, Training Center
TDN  Travel directed is necessary in the military service
TDPFO Temporary duty pending further orders
TDY Temporary duty
TEC  Technician
TEMAC Temporary active duty
TIG The Inspector General
TJA Trial Judge Advocate
TJAG  The Judge Advocate General
Tk Bn  Tank Battalion
Tk Brig Tank Brigade
Tk C Tank Corps
Tk Co  Tank Company
TMRS Trans Military Railway Service
Tng  Training
Tng Bn Training Battalion
Tng C Training Corps
Tng Cen  Training Center
Tng Cp Training Camp
Tng Regt  Training Regiment
Tng Sch Training School
Tng Sta Training Station
TO Technical Order
TOE Term of enlistment
TOPNS Theater of operations
TOPSEC  Top Secret
TPA Travel by privately owned conveyance is authorized
TPMG The Provost Marshal General
TQMG The Quartermaster General
TRF Transfer
TRK Truck
TRNE Trainee
TRP Troop
TSG The Surgeon General
TSU Technical Service Unit
TVL Travel
UCMJ  Uniform Code of Military Justice
UD  Undesirable Discharge
UHC Under Honorable Conditions
UMTS Universal Military Training in Service
UNASGD Unassigned
UNAUTHD Unauthorized
UNDES Undesirable
UNEX  Unexecuted
UOHC Under Other Than Honorable Conditions
US  United States
USA United States Army
USAF  United States Air Force
USAMD United States Army Military District
USAR United States Army Reserve
USDA United States Department of the Army
USDB  United States Disciplinary Barracks
USFET United States Forces European Theater
USJCS United States Joint Chiefs of Staff
VA Veterans Administration
VC  Veterinary Corps
VEH Vehicle
VO  Verbal Orders
VOC Verbal orders of the Commander
VOCG Verbal orders Commanding General
VOCO  Verbal orders Commanding Officer
Vou Voucher
WAC Women's Army Corps
WACRES Women's Army Corps Reserve
WD War Department
WDGS War Department General Staff
WDGSS War Department General and Special Staffs
WG Wing
WIA  Wounded in action
WO Warrant Officer
WOJG Warrant Officer Junior Grade
 WP Will proceed
WPN Weapon
WPS With prior service
WPWOD  Will proceed without delay
WWI   World War I
WWII  World War II
X2 Counterespionage
YOB Year of birth
YR Year
ZI  Zone of Interior