National Personnel Records Center
St. Louis, Missouri 63132-5100
NPRC 1865.119
May 31, 1994

SUBJECT:  Requests for disciplinary data

1.  Purpose.  This memorandum provides instructions for handling requests for disciplinary information; e.g., courts-martial records, Article 15, etc., from the veteran, the general public, and authorized requesters.

2.  Cancellation.  This memorandum cancels fig. 28 of NPRC 1865.69, Miscellaneous inquiries not covered in individual memorandums.

3.  Applicability.  The provisions of this memorandum are applicable to personnel in correspondence operations and the Organizational Records Section.

4.  Instructions.  The instructions for handling requests for disciplinary data are contained in the Attachment. See the latest revision of NPRC 1865.50, Employment suitability requests, concerning requests for disciplinary data from prospective employers.

5.  Forms.  This memorandum provides for the use of the following forms:

NA Form 13044, Reply Concerning Military Records
NA Form 13045, Informal Information Reply
NA Form 13105, NPRC Search Request and Reply


1.  Inquiry pertains to Article 15 or non-judicial punishment (NJP) records.

     a.  Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.  These records are considered part of the military personnel record systems.  They are subject to the same restrictions as other personnel records.  See latest revision of NPRC1865.16, Release and access guide for military personnel and related records at NPRC.  Photocopies are released to the veteran, his/her authorized representative, or routine use.

     b.  Air Force.  If the requester is other than the veteran, DoD, or a BLANKET ROUTINE USE, the veteran MUST SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZE the release of Article 15 records because they are not considered to be a part of the personnel records system.

2.  Inquiry pertains to courts-martial records at NPRC.

     a.  Requests from veterans.  If the veteran requests a copy of his/her courts-martial records, send photocopies of the court-martial order and summary of facts, if available in the record, using NA Form 13044, Reply Concerning Military Records, or NA Form 13045, Informal Information Reply.  If the requester specifically asks for copies of the transcript of the proceedings, send search request to the Organizational Records Section (NCPMA-O) using NA Form 13105, NPRC Search Request and Reply.

     b.  Requests from general public.  The DoD Privacy Board has ruled that records of courts-martial trials, unless classified, are public records and are released upon request to the public.  If a request for courts-martial records is received from the general public, FOIA processing and photocopy fees are applicable.  Since the records are considered public, it is not necessary to delete personal identifiers.

3.  Inquiry pertains to courts-martial records not at NPRC.  If the requested records are not located at NPRC, refer the requester to the correct office, as shown below, using NA Form 13044, or other appropriate response form.

     a.  Army.

(1)  General courts-martial and special courts-martial records resulting in bad conduct discharge.

Office of the Clerk of the Court (JALS-CC)
U.S. Army Judiciary, Nassif Building
Falls Church, VA 22041-5013

(2)  Special courts-martial (non-BCD) and summary courts-martial.  Requests for trial records should be addressed to the staff judge advocate office of the command where the record was reviewed.  (After the appropriate retention period, the records are retired to NPRC.)

     b. Air Force.
(1)  General courts-martial and special courts-martial records resulting in bad conduct discharge.

172 Luke Ave., Suite 343
Bolling AFB
Washington, DC 20332-5113

(2)  Special courts-martial (non-BCD).  Refer requesters to the address shown above.  (Summary courts-martial records are retired as part of the personnel record to NPRC.)

     c. Marine Corps and Navy.
(1)  General courts-martial and special courts-martial resulting in BCD or involving commissioned officers.

Assistant Judge Advocate General (Military Law)
Office of the Judge Advocate General
Department of the Navy
200 Stovall St.
Alexandria, VA 22332-2400

(2)   Special courts-martial (non-BCD) and summary courts-martial of enlisted personnel.  Refer requesters to the address shown above.  (After appropriate retention period, the records are retired to NPRC.)

     d. Coast Guard.
Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard (LMJ)
2100 2nd Street, SW
Washington, DC 20593-0001