National Personnel Records Center
St. Louis, Missouri 63132-5100
NPRC 1865.50D
November 16, 1990

SUBJECT: Employment suitability requests

1. Purpose. This memorandum transmits instructions for handling requests for military service and medical data needed in determining suitability for employment.

2. Cancellation. NPRC 1865.50C is canceled.

3. Reason for revision. The purpose of this revision is to simplify procedures for replying to employment suitability requests and to reflect the use of current forms.

4. Applicability. The provisions of this memorandum are applicable to personnel in the correspondence sections and Special Inquiries Section.

5. Instructions. The instructions for processing requests for military service and medical data needed in determining suitability for employment are found in the attachment.

6. Forms. This memorandum provides for the use of the following forms:

NA Form 13041, Statement of Service
NA Form 13047, Reply to Request for Information
NA Form 13062, Release of Information
NA Form 13072, Summary of Military Service
DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty
Standard Form 88, Report of Medical Examination



1. General information. Employment suitability requests are received from Federal, state, county, and municipal offices (including police departments), and from private firms, companies, institutions, associations, industries, etc. Requests from the prospective employer or the prospective employer's agent/representative should be submitted with the veteran's authorization as a part of the request or attached to it.

NOTE: Careful review of each request concerning employment suitability is necessary to ensure that release of information is authorized.

2. Release policies and procedural instructions. For detailed information concerning release policies consult the latest revision of NPRC 1865.16, Release and access guide for military personnel and related records at NPRC. When furnishing service data, be sure to check the routine use statement for personnel records systems. When furnishing medical data, check the routine use statement for medical records systems. Release and access requirements will vary depending upon the records system in question.

     a. Request from routine use/veteran's authorization furnished. The decision logic table in fig. 1 provides instructions when the information is requested by a routine use or the veteran's release authorization is furnished.

     b. Request NOT from routine use/authorization NOT furnished. If the request is NOT from a routine use AND the veteran's authorization is NOT furnished, return the inquiry checking the appropriate block(s) on NA Form 13062, Release of Information, or NA Form 13047, Reply to Request for Information. (See figs. 2 and 3.)

3. Request forms. A variety of request forms are used by prospective employers in seeking verification of military service. The request forms are generally of three types:

     a. Type A. This type is usually submitted by the prospective employer and is SPECIFICALLY designed for a military service query. (See fig. 4.);

     b. Type B. This type is submitted by the prospective employer and is more related to civilian employment rather than to military service. This form may ask for various types of non-military information; e.g., position held, eligibility for rehire. (See fig. 5.); and

     c. Type C. This type is submitted by the prospective employer's representative and is more likely to be related to civilian employment rather than to military service. Like Type B, these forms may ask for various types of non-military information. (See figs. 6 and 7.)

4. Form of reply.

     a. Type A request. Reply on the request form and furnish BASIC service data ONLY, unless other information is SPECIFICALLY requested and authorized by the veteran or routine use statements. (See fig. 4.)

     b. Type B and C requests. Unless the request form is SPECIFICALLY designed for military service queries, as shown in fig. 4, the technician shall use NA Form 13072, Summary of Military Service, in responding to most inquiries concerning employment suitability. (See fig. 8.) When ONLY service information is requested, and a reply form is needed, furnish the service information using NA Form 13041, Statement of Service. (See fig. 9.) NOTE: Furnish only BASIC service information.

5. File copies. All authorizations for release must be retained in the record. If reply is made on the request form and there is no duplicate, request a photocopy be made. If NA Form 13072 or NA Form 13041 is used as a reply form, a duplicate copy is filed in the record. Note on the duplicate the forms which were photocopied (if any) and sent in response to the request. In Marine Corps and Navy cases involving both personnel and medical records, if there is only one copy of the authorization, request that the authorization be photocopied so that a copy can be filed in both personnel and medical records. Be sure to note on the response form, which documents were photocopied.

6. Requests for personal data/evaluation of veteran. NPRC does NOT offer opinions regarding the character and abilities of former military personnel; e.g., eligibility for rehire or performance evaluations. If this type of information is requested, respond by checking the appropriate block(s) on the reply form; e.g., NA Form 13072 or NA Form 13047.

7. Requests for medical records. Follow the procedures as outlined in the latest revision of NPRC 1865.103, Requests involving medical records. Special consideration should be given to those records containing derogatory data; e.g., neuropsychiatric diagnosis or drug abuse treatment or rehabilitation. If it can be determined that the medical records needed to answer the inquiry have been sent to a VA office, furnish the service data and location of records, or refer the requester to the nearest VA office. Also show claim number, if available.

8. Salary requested. If salary figures are requested, check the block on appropriate form or state, "For information regarding salary, suggest contacting: (furnish appropriate address as shown below)."

     a. Army

Defense Finance and Accounting Service
Indianapolis Center
Indianapolis, IN 46249-0130
     b. Air Force
Defense Finance and Accounting Service
Denver Center
Denver, CO 80279
     c. Navy
Defense Finance and Accounting Service
Cleveland Center
Cleveland, OH 44199
     d. Marine Corps
Defense Finance and Accounting Service
Kansas City Center
Kansas City, MO  64197
     e. Coast Guard
Commanding Officer
Settlement Records
U.S. Coast Guard
Pay and Personnel Center
444 South East Quincy Street
Topeka, KS  66683

FIGURE 1 -Request from routine use or veteran's release  authorization furnished

1 Service data Furnish (or verify by check marks) basic service information; i.e., branch of service, dates of service, character of separation (including OTH), and if requested, final grade. If there is no extended period of active duty for those veterans who had active duty for training only, the following should be written on the form:
"No active duty other than active duty for training." NOTE: If requested, furnish "reason for separation" ONLY if request is from a routine use or the veteran furnished SPECIFIC authorization for release of this information.
2 DD Form 214,
Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (or predecessor forms)
See latest revision of NPRC 1865.51, ch.2, Request for replacement of separation document.
3 Medical data Furnish a copy of the final SF 88, Report of Medical Examination, or comparable predecessor form.

a. If discharged for medical reasons, examine the SF 88 or other documents being furnished to ensure that the nature of the physical disqualification is reflected. If not, search medical records further for documents showing this information and furnish copies or extract the pertinent information.

b. If medical records reflect any kind of derogatory data that might be injurious if made known to the veteran, then furnish medical records as prescribed by NPRC 1865.103, ch. 3-3 and ch 3-4.

c. If the documents furnished show evidence of any kind of drug abuse treatment or rehabilitation, then consult NPRC 1865.103, ch. 1-8.



a. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard cases. Furnish copies of judicial (court-martial records) and non-judicial (Article 15) punishment.

b. Air Force cases. Furnish copies of judicial punishment only. If the requester is other than DoD or a BLANKET routine use, the veteran must SPECIFICALLY authorize the release of Article 15 records because they are not considered to be a part of the personnel records system. Check the block on NA Form 13072 which states information about Air Force non-judicial punishment is not releasable. 



Furnish a summary of academic training received in service to include aptitudes and aptitude test scores, personal and professional qualifications (including member's occupational specialty), efficiency and related data, and verification of sea service. (See latest revisions of NPRC 1865.83, Requests for verification of sea service; NPRC 1865.68, Requests for verification of military training and general educational experiences while in the military; and NPRC 1865.69 (Obsolete Memo), Miscellaneous inquiries not covered in individual memorandums, figs. 15 and 20.)